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Frequently asked questions
Where are you located?Our clinicians are located all over, and are licensed to provide services to clients in NY, NJ, FL, MD and Israel. Currently, we offer services via telehealth and in person in Jerusalem. Please call our office 02-376-4719 or 011-972-2-376-4719 to find out more about getting started with therapy.
Do you take insurance?We work with all insurance companies as an out-of-network provider. We recommend that all clients reach out to their insurance company to find out if they are eligible for any coverage. To do this, call the number on your insurance card and ask what is covered for an out-of-network provider who is providing the services in which you are engaging (individual therapy, family therapy, or group therapy). Remember to ask if you have a deductible and what they consider the maximum allowable reimbursement. We provide you with a statement (called a superbill) that contains all of the necessary information that is required by insurance companies for out-of-network reimbursement.
What do you mean by "frum"?Frum can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. We mean whatever you mean. If you would call yourself frum and you’re looking for high quality mental health services, you’re in the right place.
What is your cancellation and rescheduling policy?We have a 48-hour cancellation and reschedule policy for all individual appointments. Groups require a financial commitment to a full module, regardless of missed sessions.
Does treatment address underlying issues?Treatment focuses on what is not working for you right now, which is informed by your learning history until now. We therefore work to make changes that will last. Underlying issues that are impacting your current way of living are targeted to bring about the greatest possible lasting changes.
Can I keep my outside therapist if I do DBT?If your therapist recommends you join our DBT skills group, we are happy to collaborate with them in your treatment. If your therapist does not offer individual DBT therapy, we will need to determine whether or not the current treatment you are receiving would blend well with the addition of skills training and whether or not comprehensive DBT would be more appropriate. If you would benefit from full DBT, you can continue to see your current therapist while you are in the pre-treatment stage, prior to committing. Once we have committed to work together using DBT, we need all hands on deck to make treatment as effective as possible. This means that you may continue to work with your individual therapist after completing DBT, and while you are committed to DBT, you can only sit in one chair.
I want to learn more but I don't know if I want to or need to start therapy right now.Please feel free to reach out for a free phone consultation with our Client Care Coordinator. We can answer your questions and help you determine if we’re the right fit for you at this time. Therapy can be really tough, just like any development – being aware of our flaws and accepting they exist in order to make necessary changes requires courage and strength. Let us share proven methods with you to help you on that journey.
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